2008 Season & 1000 Engine Rally
some of the rally engines at the museum for the Easter opening1198 views
the engines have an unusual quality when snow covered1298 viewsEaster snow surprises everyone
View down the car park towards museum entrance1129 viewstaken on Easter Monday
Snow covered Crossley1236 viewsCrossley engine with light sprinkling of snow at our Easter opening
Explaining fuel injection systems1156 views
Easter surprise1235 viewssnow greeted everyone on Easter Sunday
Pistons from Mirrlees engines1292 viewsthe Memorial building now has several interesting "groupings" to examine
View from the outside1289 viewsas you approached our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally, Chelford
unusual view of Mirrlees No11433 viewsoldest diesel engine in the UK and in fact the 3rd ever built in the world
engines in the Memorial Building1266 viewsthe Memorial building now has several interesting "groupings" to examine
Geoff and Bill shake on the generous donation1137 viewsMotorised scooter is presented to the museum by Bill Coxhead on behalf of the North West Stationary Engine Association
laid out for ease of viewing1159 viewsthe Memorial building now has several interesting "groupings" to examine