2008 Season & 1000 Engine Rally
Atkinson engine enthralls visitors1137 viewsthe running of the Atkinson cycle engine is a popular event for visitors
National connected to belt1292 viewsin workshop demonstration area
National engine runs several pieces of work bench equipment1247 viewsdemonstrating how it might have been used in a work shop
Crowds gathered every time the large Crossley Generator was run1250 viewsoutside our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally, Chelford
Furnival engine driving Furnival Printing Press1281 viewsrevamped Furnival area shows of the engine and printing press well
Roy in the shop with CCTV screen in background1055 views
Visitors in the Gardner area1706 viewsadmiring the Robinson Hot Air engine
the engine plates have their uses too1054 viewsbrass rubbing is a popular distraction for your visitors
This gentleman was delighted to have the Atkinson engine run especially for him1322 viewsinside our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally, Chelford
brass rubbing of engine plates keeps the youngsters busy1078 viewsKarl in his Easter Bonner enjoys brass rubbing the engine plates while grandad looks on
Comfortable seating while watching engine videos1132 viewsone of the visitors rest areas
Running the Mirrlees U type engine1274 viewsTaken during the Saturday night visit from the 1000 Engine Rally