Last additions - Construction Work up to 2007

Work on joining the roof of the steam engine building to Memorial building1387 viewscan be seen in the backgroundSep 03, 2006

Trees being removed to widen the driveway1926 viewsJul 08, 2006

John at work1209 viewsJul 08, 2006

Geoff hard at work moving materials1283 viewsJul 08, 2006

Building materials being taken to new building1323 viewsJul 08, 2006

Building materials being unloaded on site1268 viewsJul 08, 2006

More materials arrive on site1281 viewsJul 08, 2006

Roof trusses above Stott steam engine1298 viewsJul 08, 2006

To me1327 viewsJohn and Geoff at work on new buildingJul 08, 2006

New building showing different roof angle to Steam engine area1330 viewsJul 08, 2006

Side sheets being prepared1262 viewsJul 08, 2006

Hard graft moving materials about1229 viewsJul 08, 2006