Work on joining the roof of the steam engine building to Memorial building1387 viewscan be seen in the background
Roof trusses being raised1384 views
excavator at work levelling the stone1377 views
Exhibition room layout is decided and engines move in1371 views
stone delivered, waiting to be levelled1371 views
Rollering to flatten the floor1367 views
Concrete being laid in lean to building1367 viewsWinter 2003
Most of the buildings metal supports in place1360 views
loading the pieces of the 40 ton Campbell engine1358 viewsAndy McCarthy, one of the Friends of the museum turned up to help us move the Campbell on one of his wagons - we are very grateful for the help and support
Rain does not help the work1357 views
Parts of the atmospheric engines being prepared1349 views
putting the crank shaft back in place1348 viewsreassembling the 1908, 3-cylinder Campbell gas engine in its new location as you approach the museum