View of engine with crank case attached2694 viewsRuston VXA
The volunteers add the finishing touches2692 viewsit was all hands to the pump making sure the engines were cleaned and polished ready for the exhibition
Video being made by CWTB for award ceremony2692 viewsanother film crew taking video shots to make into a short promotion about the museum for use at the Cheshire & Warrington Tourist Board Award ceremony
View of the display area2690 viewsThere is an area of display materials and interpretive boards to help the visitor understand about the engines and the manufacturers
Empty engine base2690 views
Tim Leverton beside the Dieselmax engine display2682 viewsGroup Engineering Director & JCB Dieselmax Director
another close up view of the gears on the 3bhp2679 viewsview from the back showing the gears in detail
Valve assembly lifted out2675 viewsRuston VXA
Fowler Beam engine2674 viewson loan from Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery
Stott Steam Engine2671 viewsalthough not new to the museum, we had this engine turning over on electric power on Sunday 10th September for the first time. The restoration project is making fantastic progress. The volunteers have replaced the big end bearings, the air pump condenser has been put into place and they are now working on the difficult job of lining up the rocking beam mechanism. Our plan is to have the engine in steam in 2007, funds and resources willing.