Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Oldest known National Gas Engine1952 viewsis running within 24 hours of its arrival at the museum. Wayne Timms & Dave Allen work with Geoff Challinor during the Volunteer Working Weekend
in the new cinema/meeting room1948 views
Peter's Party1948 viewsmusic and decorations add to the atmosphere
Barrie checking on the Ingeco engine 1948 views
Paul explains how the engine works1947 viewsthen runs the Gardner 4T5 for the delight of the visitors
Look no hands1943 viewsdirectly overhead
Looks like she is waving a dust ball1942 views
Crowd watches Peter at work1941 views
Mingling everywhere you turned1938 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Getting the Robey and display area ready1936 views