Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Daffodils line the route1480 views
Looking down the car park1479 viewsSouth Manchester MG Owners Club at the end of the Cheshire Romp, 13 July 2008
Memorial Building - ICE Exhibition1479 viewsbottom of building looking towards the Wells Bros engine. (Designed by John H Hamilton (chief engineer of Wells Bros) c1896. This was the first “Pressure-Scavenging” engine using low pressure air to clear the cylinder of the exhaust gases.)
PEEMS March 20081478 viewsmembers of the Pickering Experimental Engineering & Model Society visit the museum
Mobile Crossley Generator1477 viewsoutside our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally, Chelford
Tickets for the Easter Tombola1477 viewsanother winner heads over to the table to collect his prize
Poynton Show 20051476 views
North West Veteran Car Club Sunday 13th April 20081475 viewssome of the fabulous cars that graced our car park that weekend
Coach party from Louth 9 April 20081474 views
Ready to shoot in Rattling Monster room1474 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum.
North West Veteran Car Club Sunday 13th April 20081473 viewsseveral of the club members gather in the Rattling Monster room to see them running