left a bit1344 viewsreassembling the 1908, 3-cylinder Campbell gas engine in its new location as you approach the museum (2 votes)
lifting the crank shaft out1465 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location (2 votes)
stripped and waiting to be moved1456 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location (2 votes)
crank case being removed on the Campbell1482 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location (2 votes)
Mirrlees engine needs to be moved to allow access to the Campbell1524 views (2 votes)
Foundations for the back work being prepared1497 viewsThe engine over the Stott steam engine can be seen in the background (2 votes)
Gate Guardian Complete1393 viewsthis 40 ton giant will be one of the first engines visitors see as they approach the museum (3 votes)
putting the crank case back on1444 viewsreassembling the 1908, 3-cylinder Campbell gas engine in its new location as you approach the museum (3 votes)
new shape to the spoil heap1313 views (1 votes)
Left a bit1500 views (2 votes)
New building showing different roof angle to Steam engine area1330 views (1 votes)
More stone ready for flattening1820 viewsOne of the "Friends" of the museum, Jimmy Jackson donated money to allow us buy more stone for the car park. (2 votes)