Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

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campbell a.jpg
prior to the move1930 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location33333
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Work starts on the spoil heap1344 views33333
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we need more room.jpg
Trees being removed to widen the driveway1928 views33333
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Building materials being taken to new building1327 views33333
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re-shaping the bing.jpg
Slag Heap being tidies, Summer 20031433 views33333
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Series of photographs starting the 4L2 for the first time (2)2925 viewsafter its restoration work - just prior to the EHHS presentation May 200533333
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childrens quiz.jpg
Children completing the quiz3601 viewslooking for the clue about the 6LK33333
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almost there.jpg
Display case being assembled2896 viewsmany additional items were loaned to the museum to display during the exhibition including photographs and trinkets from the Gardner family33333
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all ready.jpg
Display cabinets outside Gardner room2878 viewsmany additional items were loaned to the museum to display during the exhibition including photographs and trinkets from the Gardner family33333
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2094 views33333
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2348 views33333
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1942 views33333
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801 files on 67 page(s) 14