3959 viewsIn 1926 attention was paid to the development of other enclosed types, incorporating forced lubrication and two models were designed, one having a bore of 12.5 inches and a stroke of 19 inches, developing 60 BHP per cylinder at 300 r.p.m. and the other having a bore of 13 and three quarter inches and a stroke of 19 inches, developing 75 BHP per cylinder at 375 r.p.m.
(6 votes)
Tony helps the crane take the strain2899 viewsHornsby oil engine November 2010 (4 votes)
Perkins display stand2888 views (4 votes)
Second lot of parts arrive at museum4120 viewsThese arrived at museum 11 October 2006 (4 votes)
Lancashire Boiler drawing by Frank Wightman2606 views (2 votes)
Nut Roast steam roller being inspected2072 viewsbefore leaving the museum en route to Alderley Edge (2 votes)
Geoff gives a brief history of where the engine came from 3221 viewsStott Engine facts:
• Built by SS Stott in 1903
• Horizontal cross compound engine
• Cylinders 12.5 inches and 22 inches by three inches
• Flywheel 10 foot in diameter with a weight of 10 tons
• HP Corliss Valves, LP Slide Valves
• Indicated horsepower 200-250hp (2 votes)
platform fitted to allow closer inspection of engine3309 views (2 votes)
Gallery above the engine allows visitors to watch it all unfold below them3985 viewsLargest Steam Engine in Cheshire back in steam (2 votes)
crowd gathers in anticipation3721 viewsLargest Steam Engine in Cheshire, 1st public run on Friday 23rd September 2011. First time in over 50 years. (2 votes)
Valve before cleaning2592 viewsRuston VXA (2 votes)