Making the welcome even more enticing2563 views..... who's bright idea was it to get EIGHT bags of bulbs? (1 votes)
Part of the car park was reserved for club members1542 viewsSouth Manchester MG Owners Club members at the end of the Cheshire Romp, 13 July 2008 (1 votes)
Member of the Doxford family with Geoff outside the museum2117 viewsduring the recent club visit from the Doxford Engine Friends Association (DEFA).
Is that Peter and Rita Forbes I spy on the bench in the background? (1 votes)
Don prepares to run the Mirrlees U type2021 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008 (1 votes)
In my day ....1911 viewsPeter Wood and Andrew Foden exchange ideas during the Mingle (1 votes)
sectioned Napier turbo charger1418 viewson display in the Memorial Building (1 votes)
Beam engine1427 viewsin the steam area of the Memorial Building (1 votes)
Furnival engine driving Furnival Printing Press1281 viewsrevamped Furnival area shows of the engine and printing press well (1 votes)
Visitors enjoying themsleves despite the snow and cold1315 views (1 votes)
Manchester Association of Mechanical Engineeers1621 viewswaiting for the others to arrive (1 votes)
Left wall of main room April 20072524 views (1 votes)
Far wall of the Gardner Room April 20072213 views (1 votes)