On left replica of 1st diesel engine ever built, on right the 3rd ever built in the world1831 viewsReplica of Diesel's engine that was built in 1897 and is considered to be the first diesel engine. It had been preceded by two experimental motors in 1882/93 and 1894. However, they did not work satisfactorily.
Replica built for MAN Truck & Bus to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Diesel's birth, 2008. (2 votes)
marking where the pits in the area were on the model2128 views (2 votes)
adding the detail of the canals and roads2121 views (2 votes)
National engine drives several pieces of equipment1882 viewsas they would have been in a typical workshop (2 votes)
Paul talks about how the Atkinson engine works1413 viewsIMechE members visit the museum 9th September 2008 (2 votes)
and the Director hiding in the corner1429 viewsFilming for the Channel M "Fun for the Family" at the museum. (2 votes)
Mirrlees U type being admired and photographed2190 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008 (2 votes)
Presentation by members of the Bickerton family2154 viewsof a bronze plaque of Henry Neild Bickerton, Midsummer Mingle 2008.
Taken beside oldest known National Gas Engine (2 votes)
Members of the Heywood Society1530 viewswatch as Geoff runs one of the National Gas Engines (2 votes)
Members of the Heywood Society1516 views (2 votes)
crafting brackets to hold an engine1733 views (2 votes)
A frame steam engine - make unknown1583 viewshas now been put on display in the Steam section of the museum. It is not currently running but plans are to have it in steam soon (2 votes)