Restoration work on the MAN Diesel - cylinder head inlet and exhaust valves3178 viewsin preparation for the Diesel Exhibition. (5 votes)
Rod demonstrates his metalworking skills2015 viewsThe small craft centre has demonstrations of bodging and blacksmithing (5 votes)
Looking down the exhibition area towards Mirrlees No 12899 viewsFirst diesel engine ever built in the UK (in Glasgow) 1897. Also the 3rd ever to have been built in the world. (4 votes)
Hornsby oil engine November 20103047 viewsThere she is, still looks in nice condition (3 votes)
Main room looking towards reception area April 20072210 views (3 votes)
Painting in the main building2027 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007
Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season (3 votes)
Some of our volunteers with the Fergie Tractor2207 views (2 votes)
Gardner 4t52536 viewsby David Steeden (2 votes)
Crossley engine2596 viewsby David Steeden (2 votes)
blacksmith tools2306 viewsdepicted by Rod Ellis (one of the many drawings by this artist) (2 votes)