Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

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slumbering giant3254 views33333
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This other Ruston engine replaced the other VXA that had failed years before3089 views33333
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Hornsby oil engine November 2010 - original shed at the Estate3118 viewsEngine number 54410, sold new December 192033333
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View of 5hp Hornsby and compressor from Trinity House2286 viewsOriginally installed in 1912 at Serk Lighthouse, Channel Islands and used to maintain the Reed type fog signal until the station was modernised in 1969. 33333
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1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1583 viewsAnton Van Der Cruijsen chats to Charles Wendel33333
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Midsummer Mingle 20071992 viewswell I never thought it worked like that33333
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Midsummer Mingle 20071959 viewseverywhere you looked a crowd had gathered to admire the engines running33333
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Midsummer Mingle 20071932 viewscrowd gathers to hear how the Atkinson-cycle engine works33333
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left wall of the main building, looking away from reception April 20072454 views33333
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getting to grips with the Campbell1995 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location33333
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crank case being lifted off1572 viewsthe engine had to be dismantled in the car park prior to its move to a new location33333
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Our youngest Life Member of the Friends1716 viewsyou can never start their interest too early33333
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