Visitors & Midsummer Mingle (up to 2008)
Midsummer Mingle 20071884 viewsand there was still time to admire some engines too
Midsummer Mingle 20071784 viewsplenty of time to catch up with old friends as they admired the exhibits
Mirrlees U type2000 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Don prepares to run the Mirrlees U type2021 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
The crowd gathers to watch the Mirrlees running1932 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Presentation by members of the Bickerton family2151 viewsof a bronze plaque of Henry Neild Bickerton, Midsummer Mingle 2008.
Taken beside oldest known National Gas Engine
We need a bigger car park!1888 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Mingling everywhere you turned1938 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Mirrlees U type being admired and photographed2189 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Proud daddy1956 viewsshows off the Mirrlees U type at the Midsummer Mingle
Examining the photos and letters in the Mirrlees memorabilia folders1902 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Admiring the Atkinson Cycle engine1996 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008