Visitors & Midsummer Mingle (up to 2008)
Examining the Mirrlees memorabilia1653 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Waiting under cover for the BBQ to be ready1658 viewsthe gazebos between the buildings were a popular resting point. Midsummer Mingle 2008
Enjoying a good old chat during the Mingle1672 views
In my day ....1911 viewsPeter Wood and Andrew Foden exchange ideas during the Mingle
The BBQ was in full swing thanks to a lovely evening1675 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Mingling1670 views
The Mirrlees memorabia tables proved to be very popular1613 viewsand a great place to catch up with old colleagues
The visiting Merlin engine proves popular, October 20052098 views
Merlin engine surrounded by visitors, closing weekend October 20052204 views
Local History enthusiasts examine interpritive material2032 views
Merlin engine in background, October 20052056 views
Night of the Museum1682 viewsCrossley Atmospheric engine was explained to visitors and run throughout the evening