Visitors & Midsummer Mingle (up to 2008)
Night of the Museum1731 viewswatching the Atmospheric engines being demonstrated
Night of the Museum - Colliery Exhibition1609 views
Night of the Museum1724 viewsSaturday 19 May - many visitors enjoyed the Collieries Exhibition
Night of the Museum1690 viewsSaturday 19 May - visitors enjoy having the engines explained and run for them
Through the archway to the Colliery Exhibition1693 viewsNight of the Museum
Saturday 19 May - many visitors enjoyed the Collieries Exhibition
Saturday 19 May - many visitors enjoyed the Collieries Exhibition1697 viewsduring the Night of the Museum
Night of the Museum1680 viewsRoy Dudley talks one of the visitors through the paintings of the collieries.
Saturday 19 May - many visitors enjoyed the Collieries Exhibition
Visitors include the Chairman of the County Council2207 views
Oliver Tangye and wife Esme1779 viewsGreat, great grandson of Sir Richard Tangye - one of the founders of the Tangye Company
Engines can be admired by all age groups2356 views
The Poynton Local History area attracts its own visitors2051 views
The 4T5 always attracts attention2191 views